Trenton R-9 School District

Trenton Board of Education approves grant application requests

The Trenton R-9 Board of Education approved grant application requests at its meeting Tuesday evening. Fifth-grade Communication Arts teacher Christy Gibler’s request was for a $500 GEC Community Foundation grant to purchase guided reading leveled book sets for the classroom library. Board Vice President Brandon Gibler abstained from voting on the request with Dorothy Taul […]


Jury convicts two former corrections officers in Missouri of assaulting an Inmate

Two former corrections officers at the Jackson County Detention Center have been convicted by a federal jury of physically assaulting an inmate in violation of his constitutional protection against unreasonable force. “These corrections officers abused their authority by physically assaulting an inmate,” said U.S. Attorney Tim Garrison. “Our Constitution protects every citizen from the use […]

Obama administration: Reduce focus on student loan collections

Missouri student loan default rates continue to decrease

According to the U.S. Department of Education, Missouri’s three-year loan default rate decreased four-tenths of a percent, keeping Missouri’s rate below the national average and lower than most of its neighboring states. Missouri’s student loan default rate dropped from 10.3 percent to 9.9 percent. The national rate decreased from 10.8 percent to 10.1 percent. More […]

Fiber Optic Internet Access

The net neutrality battle moves to the states, and to 2020

Net neutrality suffered a significant blow on Tuesday as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the Trump administration’s rollback of Obama-era consumer protections. Because the court upheld the repeal, it remains legal for internet service providers such as AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon to block or throttle any sites they want, and […]

Disabled hunter at ADA compliant blind

Missouri Department of Conservation has ADA compliant hunting blinds available

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) announces that it has numerous hunting blinds available at its managed waterfowl hunting areas for waterfowl hunters with disabilities. The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) blinds are available on a “first-call-first-reserved” basis. ADA-qualified waterfowl hunters can reserve available blinds during two time periods — Oct. 7-9 and Oct. 15 […]

Natural Resources Conservation Service or NRCS

Deadline extended for NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program

The application deadline has been extended in Missouri for the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Emergency Watershed Protection Program. The deadline has been extended to November 27, 2019, due to the addition of 14 Missouri counties recently added to a federal disaster declaration following flooding this year. Missouri State Conservationist J. […]