Prison Sentence News Graphic

Missouri Couple sentenced to 35 years in prison for sexually assaulting children and producing child pornography

A Missouri, couple was sentenced in federal court for sexually assaulting two young children to produce child pornography, and for receiving and distributing child pornography. Mark John Millman, 37, a citizen of Great Britain and a legal alien resident, and his wife and co-defendant, Tara Sau Millman, 42, of Merriam Village, were sentenced in separate […]

Walsworth Website

Walsworth celebrates their 85th anniversary

Walsworth CEO Don O. Walsworth and President Don Walsworth announced that their family-owned company would be spending the rest of this year celebrating its 85th anniversary. Walsworth, one of the top book, magazine, and catalog printing companies in the U.S., unveiled plans for a series of events commemorating the company’s history, celebrating employees, and looking […]

Fentanyl news Graphic

Man traveling through Missouri charged with fentanyl trafficking after authorities find 9 pounds of counterfeit pills

 A California man was charged in federal court with smuggling more than four kilograms of counterfeit pills that contain fentanyl aboard a bus traveling through Kansas City, Missouri, from Los Angeles, Calif. Matthew John Gomez, 27, was charged with one count of possessing fentanyl with the intent to distribute in a criminal complaint filed in […]

Class Action Lawsuit Graphic

St. Louis jail inmates file class action lawsuit alleging guards torture them with mace

(Missouri Independent) – Inmates at St. Louis’ primary jail filed a federal class-action lawsuit Tuesday accusing guards of torture with mace and depriving them of water for days. The inmates are represented by a team of attorneys from the MacArthur Justice Center, ArchCity Defenders, the SLU Law Legal Clinics, and Rights Behind Bars.  “They spray chemical agents […]

A gavel and a name plate with the engraving Lawsuit

Missouri Attorney General files suit against Missouri School Boards Association for alleged Sunshine Law violations

To kick off Sunshine Week, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed suit against the Missouri School Boards Association for alleged violations of the Sunshine Law. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office previously requested records from the Missouri School Boards Association (MSBA) related to their role in the October 4, 2021 memo from the Biden Administration and […]

2022 Judicial Redistricting Commission - (Photo by Rudi Keller - Missouri Independent)

Judges release new boundaries for Missouri Senate districts

(Missouri Independent) – A panel of Missouri judges tasked with redrawing 34 state Senate districts released a tentative plan Monday, part of a once-in-a-decade process that reconfigures political boundaries following the U.S. Census. The new map, drawn by the Judicial Redistricting Commission after a citizen commission failed to reach consensus, will be formally submitted to […]

White House in Washington DC (Photo by Edoardo Cuoghi on UnSplash)

U.S. Senate Republicans attack Biden on energy costs, regulations after new inflation report

(Missouri Independent) – Nebraska’s Deb Fischer and fellow U.S. Senate Republicans slammed President Joe Biden on Thursday for the sharp rise in consumer prices, calling for policy shifts to increase U.S. energy supply, roll back regulations and curb spending. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said Thursday the consumer price index rose nearly 8% in February over the […]

Planned Parenthood website

Planned Parenthood sues Missouri social services agency over restricted Medicaid funds

(Missouri Independent) – Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Thursday against Missouri’s Department of Social Services, alleging the agency unlawfully plans to restrict Medicaid payments to the provider. A March 4 notice sent to Planned Parenthood of St. Louis Region cites a supplemental budget bill lawmakers passed last month that bars abortion providers or their affiliates from being […]