School Safety news graphic

Students will be safer as required background checks on school volunteers becomes state law

A new state law will help protect children at their schools as beginning August 28, school volunteers will be required to undergo criminal background checks before being left alone with children. Auditor Galloway pushed for the new law after her audit of the state’s sexual offender registration program found background checks were mandatory for school employees, […]

NCMC Geyer Hall

NCMC Board of Trustees set tax levy at Tuesday meeting

Five National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Excellence Awards were presented at the North Central Missouri College Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday evening. The NISOD Awards went to Cory Cooksey with Business Technology for Teaching, Health Sciences Program Coordinator Kristi Cutsinger for Academic Support, Admissions Director Kristie Cross for Student Affairs, Senior Database Administrator […]

Trenton R-9 School District

Trenton R-9 Board of Education to open construction bids on August 30

The deadline for construction bids for the Trenton R-9 School District building project was Thursday. Building Project Liaison Dennis Gutshall reports the district received four bids which will be reviewed by Gutshall and Ellison-Auxier Architects of Saint Joseph as well as Trenton R-9 Superintendent Mike Stegman, Director of Supportive Services Kris Ockenfels, and administration. Gutshall […]

Spickard School

Spickard Board of Education increases tax rate

The Spickard R-2 Board of Education approved the proposed tax rate during a hearing this week. Superintendent Jonnie Beavers reports the rate was set at 461.16 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, which is an increase of 36.19 cents. During the regular meeting, Shelby Griffin was sworn in as a new board member. She was […]

Laredo Missouri Logo

Laredo Board of Aldermen set tax rate

The Laredo Board of Aldermen has set its tax rate. City Clerk Ashley Campbell reports the rate is 99 cents per $100 of assessed valuation which is broken down to 69.02 cents for general revenue and 29.58 cents for streets. This year’s tax rate is down one cent from last year’s $1.00 tax rate.