Fentanyl news Graphic

Man traveling through Missouri charged with fentanyl trafficking after authorities find 9 pounds of counterfeit pills

 A California man was charged in federal court with smuggling more than four kilograms of counterfeit pills that contain fentanyl aboard a bus traveling through Kansas City, Missouri, from Los Angeles, Calif. Matthew John Gomez, 27, was charged with one count of possessing fentanyl with the intent to distribute in a criminal complaint filed in […]

WIC or Women Infant Children Logo

Missouri WIC announces waiver allowing the purchase of larger containers of baby formula

Missouri WIC announces a new, temporary waiver that will allow the purchase of larger containers of formula using WIC benefits during the Abbott infant formula recall event. This temporary waiver allows Missouri WIC participants to purchase larger containers of formula if standard-size Similac formula is not available at authorized WIC retailers. Participants may begin to purchase […]

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Testing news graphic

Missouri policy allows pharmacists to provide easier access to free or low-cost COVID-19 testing

A standing order was issued Tuesday by Missouri’s State Epidemiologist, Dr. George Turabelidze, which entitles individuals to receive coverage for purchased tests for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This policy authorizes Missouri pharmacies to charge an individual’s insurance carrier, whether it is private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare coverage, for COVID-19 testing. “Those without a healthcare […]

Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick (photo by Tim Bommel - Missouri House Communications)

Schools left ‘scrambling’ after Missouri treasurer tied bond deals to Attorney General’s COVID demands

(Missouri Independent) – It was just after 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 10, when the forms arrived from the state treasurer’s office. Without warning, and with little explanation, school superintendents discovered they were now required to certify their district had complied with Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s demands to drop all COVID-19 mitigation measures, such as […]

Winter Weather Advisory

Winter Weather Advisory issued for many northern Missouri counties north of Highway 36

The National Weather Service in Pleasant Hill has issued a Winter Weather Advisory from 7 pm Sunday evening until 6 am Monday morning for the following counties in northern Missouri. Adair, Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Clinton, Daviess, De Kalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Putnam, Schuyler, Sullivan, and Worth counties. Counties in far northeastern […]

Audit News Graphic

Missouri State Auditor gives Clay County Commission’s office rating of “Poor”; details how commissioners obstructed audit process

Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway today issued her office’s audit of the Clay County Commission, which was initiated by a citizen petition in 2018. The report follows repeated but ultimately unsuccessful efforts by former county commissioners to impede the completion of the audit. The report, which gave a rating of “poor” – the lowest possible […]

Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick (photo by Tim Bommel - Missouri House Communications)

Treasurer calls on Missouri pension funds to sell Russian investments in wake of Ukraine war

(Missouri Independent) – State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick wants Missouri to join other states that are dumping Russian investments from retirement funds. In a news release Tuesday, Fitzpatrick called for an emergency meeting of the Missouri State Employees Retirement System (MOSERS) Board of Trustees for votes to block future purchases of Russian securities and consider how to divest […]