Planned Parenthood

Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood being stripped before Gov. Parson signs new law

Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood are being stripped before Governor Parson signs a bill calling for the action. Planned Parenthood of St. Louis has confirmed to Missourinet that it received a letter last Friday stating that the reimbursements had been suspended. M’Evie Mead of Planned Parenthood says state lawmakers were making a political statement with […]

Farmer Standing in a Field

The “Silent Crisis” for America’s farmers

We rarely think of those in the farming community dealing with the silent crisis, however, farming is a crap shoot.  There are no guarantees in farming, with daily costs to run a farm continually on the rise, add to the mix weather that is unpredictable and the stress at times can be almost insurmountable.  With […]

House member proposes to ban government, Missouri colleges from restricting guns

State Rep. Jered Taylor is proposing to expand the number of locations, particularly private businesses like day care centers, amusement parks, and bars, where guns can be carried without a permit. A Missouri House committee will consider today Taylor’s legislation that would also bar state, local governments and public colleges and universities from restricting the […]