Move Over for Emergency Vehicles

Saturday is “National Move Over Day” to remind drivers to protect emergency personnel working on the side of the road

Saturday, October 16, 2021, has been designated National Move Over Day to remind drivers to help protect emergency personnel working on the side of the road. In 2020, three people were killed and 51 injured in the 231 traffic crashes involving parked emergency vehicles displaying emergency lights. Preliminary statistics indicate there have been 168 traffic […]

Higher Education (college)

Free online learning now available to Missourians

The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development and the Office of Workforce Development are expanding their partnership with the online learning platform Coursera, to offer free, online education opportunities to Missourians. Coursera partners with more than 200 of the world’s leading university and industry educators to offer courses teaching job-relevant skills in fields […]

Coronavirus Update

Three area health departments report on new COVID-19 cases

The Livingston County Health Center reports four COVID-19 cases have been added since October 6th, making the total 2,342. There are 17 active cases. The Sullivan County Health Department October 8th confirmed four additional COVID-19 cases, bringing the total to 1,199. Seventeen cases were active. The Putnam County Health Department reports 12 COVID-19 cases have […]

American Rescue Plan Act Graphic with Missouri Seal

State of Missouri creates American Rescue Plan Act spending toolkits for local governments

 The State of Missouri has created and made available spending toolkits to help local governments identify allowable uses for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) local funds.  “We want to assist our local partners in making strategic, responsible investments that will serve Missourians for generations to come,” Governor Mike Parson said. “Our first priority is to ensure taxpayer […]

Fraud News Graphic

Missouri hunting guide allegedly solicits more than $50,000 from investors in five states

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s securities division issued a cease and desist order against a Republic, Missouri hunting guide.  Theodore Jay Eddings is required to show cause why civil penalties, restitution, costs, and other administrative relief should not be imposed against him after several investors were allegedly defrauded. Between April 2017 and October 2018, […]

Missouri Public Service Commission

Public Service Commission sets deadline in territorial agreement case between Grundy Electric and Galt

Grundy Electric Cooperative and the City of Galt, Missouri have filed a joint application with the Missouri Public Service Commission seeking Commission approval of a territorial agreement between the two electric service providers. According to the application, the purpose of the agreement is to allow Grundy to purchase Galt’s electric facilities and provide electric service […]

Restitution News Graphic

Missouri investors to receive $1.5 million in restitution

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s Securities Division issued an order against Scottsdale, Arizona resident John D. Myers, and entities Skytec Security Services, LLC, and Skytec Service KC, LLC, finding they defrauded investors from the Kansas City, Missouri area. Missouri Commissioner of Securities David Minnick found that respondents, individually and collectively, orchestrated and organized a scheme […]

Student Loan Application (Photo by Nick Youngson via Creative Commons)

Democrats’ vision for free community college would boost undocumented students

(Missouri Independent) – The massive economic policy package Democrats are trying to muscle through Congress could open the door to free community college for undocumented immigrants. But that lifeline for many people now denied access to higher education could also reignite controversies in Republican-leaning states over immigration and federal overreach. The provision on immigrants was […]


Higher loan limit now available for USDA guaranteed farm loans

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is announcing a higher loan limit will be available for borrowers seeking a guaranteed farm loan starting Oct. 1, 2021, from $1.776 million to $1.825 million. “Farm loans are critical for our customers’ annual operating and family living expenses, emergency needs, and cash flow,” FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux said. “Raising […]