Chillicothe Missouri Police Department

Chillicothe police arrest partially nude men

The Chillicothe Police Department reports the arrest of two partially-dressed men last weekend. Sergeant Curtis Hays reports officers responded to a male without any pants lying on the sidewalk in the 1100 block of Elm Street early Friday morning at 1:06 am. Officers arrested Milan John Bender of Pattonsburg for trespassing, tampering with the property […]

Big Rig Crash

Crash on I-35 injures Iowa couple

The Highway Patrol reports two individuals sustained injuries when their car struck a tractor-trailer about nine miles south of Pattonsburg at12:30 am Monday morning. Thirty-one-year-old Ray Williams of Davenport, Iowa was northbound on Interstate 35 when he began to overtake the northbound tractor-trailer driven by 39-year-old Arash Ordobadian of Coralville, Iowa. The car crossed the […]

Federal Investigation

United States Senator calls for federal investigation into billing at Putnam County Memorial Hospital

United States Senator Claire McCaskill has called for a federal investigation of questionable billing practices at Putnam County Memorial Hospital in Unionville. McCaskill wrote a letter requesting the Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services examine billing that occurred when management company Hospital Partners used the hospital as a pass-through for millions […]

Crime and Courts

Four face judge in Associate Division of Grundy County court

A Trenton resident has waived preliminary hearings on several felony charges. Misdemeanor cases have been certified to be heard in a higher court. Cody James Burchett of Trenton appeared yesterday in the Associate Division of court. Charges include assault in the third degree: special victim; attempted tampering with a witness in a felony prosecution; as […]


Benefit to be held for Chillicothe man

A benefit to help pay the final expenses of a Chillicothe man will be held next week. The Benefit for Bobby Watkins will be held June 2 which will start with a 100-mile poker run with registration at the Jamesport Tavern beginning at 9:30 that morning. The cost is $15 per rider, $10 per passenger, […]