McDonalds Sign

McDonald’s to donate 20% of sales to flood relief efforts

McDonald’s owner-operators from across the Kansas City metro area and St. Joseph are coming together to rally behind flood relief efforts. McDonald’s restaurants are participating in a market-wide fundraiser on Wednesday, March 27. McDonald’s franchisees are donating 20 percent of their sales between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. on this day to local American Red […]

Grain Belt Express

Missouri Public Service Commission grants Grain Belt Express permission to build transmission line

The Missouri Public Service Commission has approved a request filed by Grain Belt Express Clean Line LLC (Grain Belt) which sought Commission authority and a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct, own, operate, control, manage and maintain a high voltage, direct current transmission line, and associated facilities within eight Missouri counties (Buchanan, Clinton, Caldwell, […]

City of Trenton Website

Trenton Finance Committee to once again recommend TMU loan of $2M to wastewater department

The city council’s Finance Committee again is recommending the full city council considers allowing the TMU electric department to allocate $2,000,000 to help fund the head works sewer project for the wastewater department.  An estimated $1,000,000 would come out of the wastewater reserves to cover the anticipated $3,000,000 cost, although the actual won’t be known […]