Audio: United Way is a diverse organization serving your community in ways you probably didn’t know about

The United Way of Grundy County supports 10 organizations in the area through fundraising. Spokesperson Edna Foster says the local United Way organizations share a view that the way to improve lives is by mobilizing the caring power of communities.     When monetary donations are given to the United Way of Grundy County, they […]

Christmas Assistance

Sullivan County Adopt-A-Child accepting applications from families needing Christmas assistance

Sullivan County Adopt-A-Child is accepting applications from Sullivan County families that have children up through 12th grade that need assistance for Christmas. Spokesperson Christine DeRyke says everything is kept confidential. A wish list and clothing size can be submitted for each child. The program is run through the Milan Interfaith Food Pantry, which is for […]

Bright Futures Website

Audio: Bright Futures Trenton assists over 1500 students in 2020-2021 school year

Bright Futures Trenton plans to start new initiatives and restart others. Co-coordinator Terri Critten highlighted the services and programs to come at the group’s Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on October 22, 2021. She explained Bright Futures has received five requests for beds in the district so far this school year. The group usually posts […]

Kids age 5 to 11 next in line for COVID-19 vaccines as White House rolls out plans

(Missouri Independent) – Smaller needles. Redesigned shipments to ease the storage needs in pediatricians’ offices. And enough vials of the COVID-19 vaccine to inoculate the 28 million U.S. children between ages 5 and 11. Those are among the plans announced by the White House on Wednesday as federal and state officials prepare for a regulatory decision to […]

Sunnyview Nursing Home

Grundy County Nursing Home District Board of Directors accept proposal for new phone system

The Grundy County Nursing Home District Board of Directors voted October 19, 2021, to accept a proposal for a new phone system. Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments Administrator Jerry Doerhoff reports the accepted proposal was from Green Hills Communications for a Voice Over Internet Protocol system. He says it will cost $600 to integrate it with […]

Princeton R-5 School District website 2021 -2022

Princeton Board of Education approve bus routes and federal programs and homeless coordinator duties for principal

The Princeton R-5 Board of Education on October 11th approved Federal Programs and Homeless Coordinator duties to the elementary principal. Bus routes were also approved. The board allowed public input on an application for a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development grant for the purchase of an electric school bus. It was announced parent-teacher […]

Drought Resources news graphic

Online tool now available for drought-stricken farms to estimate compensation for feed transportation costs

An online tool is now available to help ranchers document and estimate payments to cover feed transportation costs caused by drought, which are now covered by the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP). The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated the program this year to include feed transportation costs as well as […]

Grants News Graphic

USDA invests more than $1 million to support rural Missouri businesses

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Missouri Acting State Director D Clark Thomas announced 19 organizations statewide are being awarded a total of $1,006,698 to create jobs and increase economic opportunities throughout the state. “USDA Rural Development has worked tirelessly to support rural Missouri businesses throughout the pandemic,” said Thomas. “The Rural Business Development Grants […]


USDA to launch loan guarantee initiative to create more market opportunities, strengthen food supply chain

As part of the Administration’s efforts to address food systems challenges arising from the pandemic as well as those going back decades, United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA plans for another $100 million in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act. The funding would leverage hundreds of millions more in […]


Higher loan limit now available for USDA guaranteed farm loans

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is announcing a higher loan limit will be available for borrowers seeking a guaranteed farm loan starting Oct. 1, 2021, from $1.776 million to $1.825 million. “Farm loans are critical for our customers’ annual operating and family living expenses, emergency needs, and cash flow,” FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux said. “Raising […]