Audio: U.S. House to debate disaster aid to help states, including flood-stricken Missouri

The U.S. House is expected to bring up a 17 billion-dollar federal disaster relief package this week that involves helping Midwestern farmers, including in Missouri. Northern Missouri Congressman Sam Graves tells Missourinet affiliate KWIX in Moberly the plan addresses several things.     The House measure would provide 1.5 billion for construction projects intended to […]

Smithfield Food Website

Smithfield Foods & RAE launch joint venture to create renewable energy, wildlife habitat

Smithfield Foods, Inc. and Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) have formed a joint venture called Monarch Bioenergy to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) across Smithfield’s hog farms in Missouri. This partnership converts manure collected from Smithfield farms into RNG, while simultaneously delivering ecological services and developing wildlife habitat. Once complete, all Smithfield company-owned finishing farms in […]

Gary Riedel

Missouri farmer inducted into Missouri Soybean Hall of Fame

Missouri Soybean Hall of Fame 2019 inductee Gary Riedel says demand for soybean increased greatly since farmers approved checkoff dollars to fund research and promotion. Riedel served as head of Missouri Soybean Association in the early 1980s and was president of the American Soybean Association when the national soybean checkoff went into effect. This year, […]

Farm Field

Funding available to farmers interested in installing edge-of-field monitoring stations

The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service is making $2 million available to interested farmers to help install voluntary edge-of-field monitoring stations on agricultural land in five states, including Missouri.  “Edge-of-field water quality monitoring provides quantifiable data that supports voluntary-based conservation efforts aimed at reducing the movement of sediment and nutrients off Missouri farms,” State Conservationist […]

Mitch Holder graduates Leadership Academy

North Central Missouri College Dean graduates from Leadership Academy

Mitch Holder, Dean of Instruction at North Central Missouri College recently participated and graduated from the Missouri Community College Association Leadership Academy. During his involvement in the academy, Mitch attended sessions on leadership aspects, heard from community college leaders and former college presidents, participated in a book study, and collaborated in groups to provide presentations. […]

Mike Parson Governor of Missouri

Governor Parson calls for damage assessments in preparation for federal disaster declaration request

Governor Mike Parson has requested the Federal Emergency Management Agency participate in joint Preliminary Damage Assessment in seven Missouri counties in response to devastating Missouri River flooding that began in March. The joint teams will survey damage in preparation for a request from the Governor for federal disaster assistance. “Although the floodwaters have not fully […]

No More Trash

Annual Missouri “No MOre Trash Bash” starts April 15

Missouri’s annual No MOre Trash! Bash will be held April 15 through May 15. The Trash Bash is sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation and Missouri Department of Transportation as part of an ongoing No MOre Trash! statewide anti-litter campaign. “Litter is unattractive, costly and harms the environment,” said Stacy Armstrong, MoDOT’s No MOre […]

McDonalds Sign

McDonald’s to donate 20% of sales to flood relief efforts

McDonald’s owner-operators from across the Kansas City metro area and St. Joseph are coming together to rally behind flood relief efforts. McDonald’s restaurants are participating in a market-wide fundraiser on Wednesday, March 27. McDonald’s franchisees are donating 20 percent of their sales between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. on this day to local American Red […]