Foster Care

Audio: Missouri social services workers develop plan to help more youth aging out of foster system

Four Missouri Department of Social Services workers have won a state government challenge for proposing a plan to support more foster children aging out of the system. Rene’ Brinkman, Shasta Miller, Bobbie Thomas, and Nicole Robinson head a unit in southeast Missouri helping older youth prepare to transition into independent adults. Brinkman says their plan […]

Electoral College

Audio: Four Republican U.S. House members from Missouri join Hawley in objecting to certification of Electoral College results

Four Republican U.S. House members from Missouri say they will vote against certifying the Electoral College results of President-Elect Joe Biden. In a press release, Congressman Jason Smith, Billy Long, Sam Graves, and Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler plan to join Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley in showing their support for President Donald Trump. The vote is scheduled […]

Veterans and services news graphic

Audio: Missouri Senator wants full report released about COVID-19 deaths within veterans homes

State Senator Jill Schupp wants the full report released about the COVID-19-related deaths within Missouri’s veterans’ homes.     An independent, external investigation was launched in October into the roughly 154 veterans who have died so far from the coronavirus. Investigators from Armstrong Teasdale law firm were charged with reviewing what COVID-19 safety measures have […]

Death Row or Execution News Graphic

Audio: Federal judge blocks execution of Lisa Montgomery, sentenced to death for gruesome killing in Skidmore, Missouri

A federal judge said that the Justice Department broke the law when it rescheduled the execution of the only woman on federal death row last month, potentially pushing her execution into President-elect Joe Biden’s new administration.     Her execution had originally been scheduled for December 8, but Moss agreed last month to delay after […]

Audio: CDC has a new COVID-19 reporting app

The CDC has a new reporting tool called “V-Safe” for Missourians who get a COVID-19 vaccination. Public Health specialist Kris Ehresmann says the app can be downloaded to smartphones.     Ehresmann says information about “V-Safe” is supposed to be given to Missourians when the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is given.