Pasture with stone wall

Spring Pastures Meeting to be held on June 2, 2021

The University of Missouri Extension will hold a Spring Pasture Meeting from 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2. The meeting will be held at the Mercer County Extension Office, located at 505 S. Steward St. in Princeton. Topics include “Weed and Brush Control” presented by Andy Luke, agronomy specialist, and “Common Plants Toxic to Grazing […]

FFA Website

National FFA announces in-person convention with a virtual program for 2021

The National FFA Organization announced that they would hold their annual in-person convention this fall in the city of Indianapolis. The event, which traditionally brings more than 65,000 attendees, will take place Oct. 27-30. Expected in-person events during the convention include the American FFA Degree Ceremony; Career Success Tours; competitive events; delegate business sessions; entertainment; […]

Trenton, Missouri sign at entrance to city

Trenton Utility Committee meets with engineer to review plans for water-related projects

Trenton’s Utility Committee met Tuesday evening with an engineer to review preliminary plans for water-related projects. The committee reviewed details and saw cost estimates for work at the reservoir pump station and the river pump station. Members also learned costs would be forthcoming from a specialized company regarding upgrades or rehabilitation of the clarifier basins […]