Swine Show winners announced in competition at the North Central Missouri Fair

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Swine Show results have been announced from competition Wednesday at the North Central Missouri Fair in Trenton.

The Grand Champion boar among various breeds was a crossbred shown by Jesse Huber of Trenton. The Reserve Champion boar was entered by Graydee Rains of Gallatin with a Berkshire.

Among various breeds of gilts, the Grand Champion was exhibited by Tucker Burtch with Duroc and the Reserve Champion gilt was shown by Abby Burton with Berkshire.  Both are from Chillicothe.

Among barrows, the Champion, a crossbred, was shown by Kaylee Peel from Chillicothe and the Reserve Champion honor went to Jaiden Rodenberg of Wheeling who exhibited a Berkshire. Jaiden also entered the top market gilt.

Judged as the Supreme Market animal was the entry by Kaylee Peel of Chillicothe with her crossbred. The Reserve Market animal was shown by Jaiden Rodenberg of Wheeling with a Berkshire.

Showmanship awards at the North Central Missouri Fair Swine Show went to Alex Heussner of Tina in the 15 and older category, Gabby Hapes of Chillicothe in the 11 to 14 age group and Trent Peniston of Chillicothe competing in the 8 to 10 age group.

Those 18 and younger exhibited their animals in the Pee Wee Division of the Swine Show on Wednesday.

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