SUV stopped going 96 mph on Highway 36, driver and passenger arrested

Livingston County Sheriff
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Livingston County Sheriff Steve Cox reports a man was arrested on September 1st after a sports utility vehicle was checked speeding.

A deputy near Mooresville radioed that the SUV was going east on Highway 36 at 96 miles per hour in a 65 zone. Another deputy responded to Highway 36 and reportedly checked the vehicle going 100 miles per hour just outside of Chillicothe.

The vehicle was stopped, and four men from Kansas City, Kansas were traveling to Michigan. Cox says the men did not understand the problem with driving so fast and thought they could apologize and continue traveling. Law enforcement explained the dangers and citation process for such a violation.

The computer system showed an outstanding non-extraditable arrest warrant for one of the men on an alleged traffic offense in Kansas City and due to the issues and extreme speed, that man was arrested for the speeding violation.

The driver and passenger posted a $250 bond and never seemed to understand, or care, that they were endangering others on the road by driving so fast.

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