Summer reading programs coming to a close at your local library

Grundy County Jewett Norris Library
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The “A Universe of Stories” Summer Reading Program is nearing the end at the Grundy County Jewett Norris Library in Trenton and the Livingston County Library in Chillicothe.

Librarian Amy Morton says the Trenton Fire Department will share fire safety tips at the final Summer Reading Program session at the library in Trenton the morning of July 24th at 10 o’clock. The Summer Blast will conclude the program the afternoon of July 27th from 1 to 4 o’clock.

Morton invites Summer Reading Program participants and other Grundy County residents to the event in the parking lot behind the library. The fire department will be in attendance and there will be water activities, snow cones, cookies, popcorn, face painting, and picture taking. There will also be drawings during the Summer Blast.

The final event for the children’s portion of the Summer Reading Program at the library in Chillicothe will involve Mad Science from Kansas City presenting Walking on the Moon the morning of July 31st at 10 o’clock. The Big Penny Giveaway will take place after the presentation.

Children’s Services Coordinator Jodi Moore explains for each book children record reading during the Summer Reading Program, a penny is added to a pot. Each time a child attends a program, he or she receives an entry into the drawing to win the money. The more programs a child attends, the more chances they have to win.

Contact the Grundy County Library for more information on the Summer Blast July 27th at 660-359-3577. Contact the Livingston County Library Children’s Department for more information on Walking on the Moon July 31st at 660-646-0563.

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