Student at Trenton High School, Sophia Currie, presents program at Trenton Rotary Club meeting

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Sophia Currie presented the program to members of the Trenton Rotary Club during the club meeting on Thursday, June 15, at the BTC Bank community room. Jackie Soptic presided over the meeting, Joe MacDonald gave the prayer, and Brian Upton served as the sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Soptic also introduced the program.

Sophia, who will be a junior at Trenton High School this fall, spent the past year in Spain as an exchange student through the Rotary Exchange program. She lived for a year with families in Catalunya, an autonomous community located on the eastern edge of the country. Catalunya has its own language, with Spanish being the area’s second language. Sophia mentioned attending school there and participating in various activities, including the “carnival” in Sidges and a religious walk in Camino de Santiago. She also had the opportunity to spend time with the family of exchange student Carlotta Gonzalvez, who stayed in Trenton while Sophia was in Spain. Additionally, Sophia shared several mementos she brought back with her and a gift from her host club, which was given to the Trenton club. Accompanying Sophia to the meeting were her parents, Josh, and Amy Currie. Amy, a former exchange student to Mexico, was sponsored by the Trenton Club.

During the business meeting, the club presented a $605 check to the Bright Futures Trenton shoe project. The funds were collected as part of the club’s participation in the Rotary District Shoes for Orphan Souls program. Terri Critten and Adrianne Todd accepted the donation on behalf of Bright Futures. The club also announced the upcoming 50th-anniversary celebration for ServeLink on July 7 and a customer appreciation event at BTC Bank on June 23.

The program for the meeting on June 22 will be a presentation on the Families and Friends of the Developmentally Disabled program.


Trenton Rotary presents check to bright futures
The Trenton Rotary Club presented a $605 check to Bright Futures Trenton for its shoe project during the club’s meeting on June 15. Pictured left to right, Diane Lowrey, chairman of the club’s Shoes for Orphan Souls program, and Adrianne Todd and Terri Critten of Bright Futures Trenton.

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