Strategic Planning Stakeholder Survey now available to residents of Trenton R-9 School District

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Residents living in the Trenton R-9 School District can participate in a strategic planning stakeholder survey.

The Missouri State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Strategic Planning Stakeholder Survey is designed to gather feedback from educators, families, community members, and business leaders. Feedback gathered will be on the areas of focus that should be prioritized in the state’s public preschool through the 12th-grade education strategic plan.

Information gathered from the survey will be used to guide the state’s education policies and initiatives over the next several years. Participation will help the State Board of Education and DESE have an understanding of the needs of Missouri students, families, and educators.

The survey is estimated to take 10 minutes to complete. Responses are anonymous, and input will be kept confidential. The deadline to complete the survey is April 21st at 5 pm.

A link to the strategic planning stakeholder survey is available on the Trenton R-9 website by clicking or tapping here.

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