Spring Pancake Day raises $455 for Trenton mascots

Trenton High School
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Trenton R-9 School District’s mascots hosted their annual Spring Pancake Day last Saturday morning at Trenton High School, successfully raising approximately $455. The event supports the mascot programs of both Trenton Middle and High School. Additionally, the funds will contribute to a spring carnival scheduled for May at C.F. Russell Stadium.

Attendees of the pancake breakfast enjoyed appearances by several mascots including Trent the Bulldog, Mickey and Minnie, and the Easter Bunny, who entertained the children with prize eggs. The prizes, provided by the mascot program, included two Easter baskets won by Kenzie Hartley and Clara Glidewell.

The mascot program has further plans to engage with the community, with Trent and the Easter Bunny slated to attend the Rissler Family Fun Night on Monday evening and a community Easter egg hunt the following Saturday.

Dave Burkeybile serves as the sponsor for the Trenton R-9 mascot program.

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