Spickard Special Road District Board address a multitude of issues at latest meeting

Spickard, Missouri
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The Spickard Special Road District Board approved multiple matters on July 18th.

A money market account was opened to keep money in and transfer money into the General Fund as needed.  The board approved getting a yearly post office box and a roll of stamps.

Amy Chapman was made the custodian of records. She was approved to purchase office equipment as needed.

The board approved taking the grader to Paul Derry to have the brakes fixed. Bids will be taken on the skid loader and motor grader. An inventory will be taken on signs needed.

The purchase was approved of five stop signs and two school zone signs. Stop signs are estimated at $82 each.

The board approved being able to purchase products for machines that are necessary for less than $500 without a vote. Purchases can be made to repair equipment with the permission of the board without a meeting.

An advertisement will be published for a motor grader operator. Individuals can apply at Spickard City Hall Monday and Tuesday from 9 o’clock to noon.

The board approved sending letters to all Spickard residents about road tubes and ditches. Tubes will be inspected.

It was announced a new tire was purchased for the backhoe and rock will soon be added to South Second Street and West Pine.

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