Spickard Board of Education reviews teacher baseline salary grant, approve 2022-2023 budget

Spickard School
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The Spickard R-2 Board of Education discussed the implementation of the Baseline Teacher Salary Grant on July 18th.

A stipend was approved to be paid from local funds for teachers currently over the $38,000 baseline. Amounts included in the state and local portion of the Baseline Teacher Salary Grant will be paid in two equal installments—one in December and one in June.

The board approved the 2022-2023 budget with estimated revenues that total $1,114,240, and estimated expenditures that total $997,684. That leaves a projected surplus of $116,556.

The 2022-2023 Professional Development Plan was approved, including a budget of $5,050.

A mathematics curriculum was adopted that was written last school year. The staff has begun work on the English Language Arts curriculum over the summer.

The board tabled repairs to the roof of the gym. Bids will be sought to retuck the mortar on the brick portion of the building.

A surplus sale was approved of items no longer needed. Superintendent Erica Eakes is to coordinate a date and time and advertise the items.

The board adopted the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Local Compliance Plan for Implementing Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Eakes was appointed as the Liaison for Foster Care, Migrant and Homeless Children, and Title 9.

The After School Club program will continue next school year with Shelly Porter as the coordinator.

The tax rate hearing was set for August 15th at 5:55 in the evening. It will be in the Spickard School Main Office.

Public comments included teaching staff talking about the support of a new combination of classes resulting from a vacated classroom position.

Eakes explained the plan for classes during the 2022-2023 school year is to combine first grade with kindergarten and to combine second grade with third and fourth grades. She said the staff has worked together to develop the new plan to best meet the academic needs of students.

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