Spickard Board of Education members discuss payroll at Monday meeting, sixth-grade graduation set for May 17

Spickard School
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The Spickard R-2 Board of Education discussed pay at its meeting on April 18th.

No change was made to the substitute pay amount, and it will remain at $85 per day.

The support staff salary schedule will remain the same as adopted for the 2021-2022 school year. Employees will advance one step for years of service. Support staff will be offered letters of intent after the May meeting.

The board approved a withdrawal of $250 for the Drury Award to be presented to the high school senior from Spickard with the highest grade point average.

Policies were adopted regarding staff short-term leave, corporal punishment, and seclusion and restraint procedures.

Third and Fourth Grade Teacher Terri Holtzclaw’s resignation was accepted. She has accepted an elementary teaching position at Stanberry.

Spickard R-2 received a $2,500 donation from Smithfield to go toward the purchase of a new scoreboard.

The oath of office was given to Paula Fagan. She was filling a seat previously vacated by Alexis Sturgeon. A second open seat is to be determined after a six-way tie in the election.

The board reorganized with Ruth Ann Shipps as president, Melody Chapman as vice president, Kelli Girdner as secretary, and Glenn Wilson as treasurer. Shipps will be the Missouri School Boards Association delegate.

Upcoming events for Spickard R-2 include Pastries with Our People on April 22 at 7:40 a.m. Missouri Assessment Program testing for third through sixth grades and Stanford testing for kindergarten through second grade will be May 2nd through 4th. A Parent Teacher Organization meeting will be May 4th. Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2nd through 6th.

Step-Up Day will be May 10th. A park, skating, and lunch-out field trip is scheduled for May 11th. A PTO Fun Day is May 11th from 5:30 to 6:30 in the evening. Laser Tag and Fishing Day is May 13th. Princeton Track and Field Day will be held on May 16th.

The next school board meeting is on May 16th at 6 p.m. Sixth-grade graduation will be held on May 17th at 6 p.m. The last day of school for Spickard is scheduled for May 18th.

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