Spickard Board of Education adopts salary schedules

Spickard School
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The Spickard R-2 Board of Education adopted salaries April 18th.

The certified salary schedule involves an increase of $1,000 for the base pay. The current base pay is $30,500.

The non-certified staff schedule involves an increase of $500 for the base pay of the three salaried positions of paraprofessional, secretary, and head cook/maintenance. The bus driver per unit salary was raised by $5.

All employees will move the appropriate steps on each schedule based on years of service and college hours.

Substitute teacher pay was raised to $90 per day for next school year.

The board approved participation in the Baseline Teacher Salary Grant for next year. Teachers not eligible for the grant will receive $1,500 compensation from district funds.

Grow Your Own Grant scholarships were awarded to Japheth Busick and Jackie White for $900 each.

The board voted to offer non-certified staff letters of intent for next school year.

Spickard R-2 will accept applications for an open Parents As Teachers position.

A field trip was approved to the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines May 16th.

A tentative summer school plan was approved. Superintendent Erica Eakes will apply for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief 3 Summer School Grant. Dates have not yet been determined. A survey will be sent to parents, and a committee will reconvene to finalize plans by May 15th.

Board policies were adopted. They involved instruction, students, and school and community relations.

The $250 Drury Scholarship Award winner was chosen. The winner will be announced at the Senior Awards Ceremony at the Princeton High School.

March’s Top Pirate was Trinity Chapman.

Goal areas were discussed for the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. They include student overall achievement, literacy improvements, strategic planning, creating a collaborative environment, and hiring high quality staff. The CSIP Committee will finalize the goals based on survey results that should be received in mid-May.

The district applied for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education School Safety Grant to install a new main door buzz-in system with video surveillance, replace wooden north doors, install a fence around the new playground, and install safety film on front entrances. The winners for the competitive grant are to be announced April 28th.

Glenn Wilson was given the oath of office after being elected as an incumbent to the board. Chelsea Hostetler declined her write-in election as an incumbent. Tanya Younger accepted the election as a write-in candidate. Spickard R-2 will take applications for Hostetler’s open seat.

Officers were elected. They were President Ruth Ann Shipps and Missouri School Boards Association representative, Vice President Melody Chapman, Secretary Amy Chapman, and Treasurer Glenn Wilson.

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Jennifer Thies


Jennifer’s interest in radio began at a young age. She started as a news reporter at KTTN in January 2017, but previously worked almost a year and a half as an on-air announcer and with news at the NPR affiliate KXCV/KRNW, which serves Northwest Missouri. Jennifer was born and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Media: Broadcast Production with an Emphasis in Audio Production from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.