Spickard Board of Aldermen approves financial transfers and bill payments

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The Spickard Board of Aldermen convened on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. in Spickard City Hall. Mayor Alan Tharp called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m., with a roll call confirming the presence of board members Daniel Chapman, Cindy Edwards, and Maggie George, alongside Secretary-Treasurer Becca King. Also attending were Caroly and Sonja from the Fair Board, SD Benjamin, and Tammy Egerton. The only member absent was Tanya Younger.

The meeting proceeded with the approval of the agenda for June 10, 2024, on a motion made by Maggie George and seconded by Daniel Chapman. The motion passed unanimously. Following this, Cindy Edwards moved to approve the minutes from the May 13, 2023 meeting, with Daniel Chapman seconding the motion, which was also approved unanimously.

During the session, the board addressed various business matters, including financial reports and claims. Maggie George proposed transferring $6,000 from the Grinder Account Fund to replace the funds taken from the Money Market account for a grinder pump replacement. This motion was seconded by Daniel Chapman and received unanimous approval.

Additionally, Daniel Chapman moved to pay the bills for May, with Maggie George seconding the motion, leading to unanimous approval.

The next meeting of the Spickard Board of Aldermen is scheduled for July 8, 2024. The meeting concluded with a motion to adjourn made by Cindy Edwards and seconded by Daniel Chapman at 7:46 p.m. The motion was approved unanimously.

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