Serve Mercer County completes first project

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Serve Mercer County’s first project was to build a landing and connect an aluminum ramp for the Smith family of Princeton.

Serve Mercer County is a new opportunity for people to come together, as neighbors helping neighbors, to serve our community. The focus is primarily serving the elderly and less fortunate through cleanup and beautification efforts. The fall Serve Mercer County event is October 6 from 1:30 PM-5:30 pm. The event starts and ends at the Princeton United Methodist Church, with food at 5:30 PM.

The group is looking for project coordinators and project volunteers. For more information about the event, a planning meeting will be held Monday, September 23 at 7 pm at Princeton First Baptist Church.

Monetary donations for lumber and supplies can be given to Mercer County Ministerial Alliance, First Baptist Church, PO Box 201, Princeton, MO 64673. To volunteer or register a project, visit the Facebook page  or email

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