September 1 is the deadline for Missouri Honor Flight applications

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Veterans interested in flying with Central Missouri Honor Flight (CMHF) should submit their applications now. The CMHF board of directors urges all Missouri Vietnam, Korean War, and WWII veterans to take this opportunity to visit the nation’s capital on future honor flights. Veteran applications will be accepted only through Sept. 1, 2024.

Honor flights offer a day of gratitude, celebration, and healing for deserving veterans. Veterans from all over Missouri gather in Columbia for this special day, but the board recognizes that many veterans have yet to fly. The board emphasizes the importance of veterans applying now, as a finite number of honor flights will be scheduled with CMHF.

“It has been an incredibly challenging decision for our Board of Directors,” says Mary Paulsell, CMHF president. “It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to make these life-changing flights available to our Missouri veterans. Through the generosity and support of central Missouri, we have been able to operate this all-volunteer organization for 15 years (180 months) without any overhead. Central Missouri Honor Flight to date has flown more than 5,500 veterans to visit our nation’s capital to reflect at their memorials. That is simply a remarkable achievement.”

With the Sept. 1 deadline approaching, it is vital for veterans to send in applications now to be placed on upcoming honor flights. Applications received after Sept. 1 will be returned to the sender with a list of other Missouri Honor Flight chapters that may accommodate the application. CMHF will contact veterans who have already submitted applications and those whose applications are postmarked by Sept. 1 to participate in the scheduled 2024 flights. Applications can be downloaded on the Central Missouri Honor Flight website.

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