Senator Hawley confronts BLM Director on tree spiking allegations

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley
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U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) confronted Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning regarding allegations of lying to Congress about her involvement in tree spiking, a dangerous form of eco-terrorism targeting the timber industry.

During the exchange, Senator Hawley referenced a 1989 incident where two individuals were convicted for placing 500 pounds of spikes in an Idaho forest. “You just said . . . that you were involved. There were two people convicted in 1989 of putting 500 pounds of spikes in an Idaho forest. . . . You testified that you sent a letter to the Forest Service on their behalf,” said Senator Hawley.


Senator Hawley also accused Director Stone-Manning of not complying with federal investigations into her involvement with tree spiking, highlighting her false claims about never being under investigation. “You lied to this committee in saying that you were never investigated. . . . In fact, you were. You lied to us blatantly—and you know it,” concluded Senator Hawley.

Tree spiking is a form of eco-terrorism that involves inserting metal or ceramic spikes into trees. These spikes are driven into the trunks of trees, often at different heights, to sabotage logging operations. Tree spiking is intended to damage saws and other logging equipment, making it extremely hazardous for loggers and mill workers.

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