Second District State Representative Mazzie Christensen reports on House activity this week

Mazzie Christensen (Photo via Mazzie for Missouri website)
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Second District State Representative Mazzie Christensen of Bethany reports the Missouri House of Representatives sent several bills to the State Senate this week.

One of the bills involved school bus drivers. She says the bill was sponsored by Third District State Representative Danny Busick of Newtown.



A lot of school districts talked to Busick. She explains they thought it would be a “great benefit” for them, so they could have more people driving school buses.

She says another bill the Missouri House of Representatives passed would make sure users would not be charged extra for franchise fees for streaming services.



Christensen calls one bill “The Sludge Bill.” She explains a few basins where sludge is held in southern Missouri were getting too full, and sludge was getting out of the basins. That was contaminating water in the area. The bill passed by the State House this week would create monthly testing for around those basins to make sure the water is not getting contaminated.

Another bill would address tax reform for pass-through entities.



Christensen voted in favor of the bills.

Also this week, she filed for re-election as Second District State Representative.




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