Schmitt and Hawley oppose photo ID cards for illegal immigrants

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(Missourinet) – The Biden Administration is set to start providing a limited number of photo IDs to immigrants, including those in the U.S. illegally. Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley is sponsoring legislation to defund the program, known as the ICE Secure Docket Card program. His colleague, fellow Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt, says the ID program is further evidence that the Biden Administration supports “open borders.”



Senator Schmitt stated, “It’s obvious to anybody paying attention that this is a census play for the Democrats. You don’t have to be a citizen to be counted in the census for apportionment. You know, you figure out how many congressmen a state gets. And so I think the real concern here is that this opens the door for fraud, for illegal immigrants registering to vote.”

The Biden Administration maintains that the ICE Secure Docket cards will provide a more secure way for information to be stored instead of numerous paper documents. The White House also strongly denied that the cards could be used to register non-citizens as voters.

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Marshall Griffin

Marshall says his former job as State Capitol Reporter for St. Louis Public Radio has taught him the most. He had to learn first-hand about everything involved in how an idea becomes a bill and, in the end, a new law – and how to communicate that process to the listening audience.