Sandra Hemme released from prison after 43 years

Sandra Hemme (Photo by Missouri Department of Corrections)
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Sandra Hemme, who served 43 years in prison, was released from the Chillicothe Correctional Center on July 19th. Hemme, a former patient at the St. Joseph State Hospital, was imprisoned for the 1980 murder of Patricia Jeschke, the hospital’s librarian.

Hemme’s release follows rulings by the Missouri Supreme Court, an appeals court, and the Livingston County Circuit Court, all of which agreed there was credible evidence of her innocence. At 64, Hemme has been placed in the custody of her sister in Higginsville while her case undergoes further review.

Livingston County Circuit Judge Ryan Horsman stated that Hemme is a victim of “manifest injustice.” Although Hemme initially confessed to the crime, evidence later implicated Michael Holman, a former St. Joseph police officer who was dismissed from the force and found to have attempted to use Jeschke’s credit card. Holman passed away in 2015.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey contended that Hemme should remain incarcerated, arguing she still needed to serve a 12-year sentence for an assault committed while in prison. However, the Missouri Supreme Court rejected Bailey’s appeal on July 18th, allowing for Hemme’s release.

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