Rusty Black reports a productive week the for Missouri Senate

State Representative Rusty Black
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Twelfth District State Senator Rusty Black of Chillicothe says the Missouri Senate had a productive week this week. It third-read and passed 10 bills to the State House of Representatives.

One bill sent to the State House was Senate Bill 900. Black reports he sponsored the bill, which he says would have a “significant impact” on the Daviess DeKalb Regional Jail District. He explains the legislation would facilitate the completion of a new jail facility.



Black says Senate Bill 900 outlines a “transparent process” for new counties considering joining the district.



The bill still has to pass in the State House, and he is optimistic that the bill will get “across the finish line.”

The Missouri House of Representatives sent its version of the State Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget to the State Senate on Thursday, April 4th. Twelfth District State Senator Rusty Black of Chillicothe says the State House’s version of the budget approved about $50 billion in spending, which is $2 billion less than what the governor recommended.

Black serves on the State Senate Appropriations Committee. He notes the committee could start its markup on the budget late next week. However, he thinks the committee will begin the following week.



The constitutional deadline to pass a budget for Missouri is May 10th.

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