Rotary District 6040 establishes PolioPlus Society for eradication efforts

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The District Governor for Rotary District 6040 made his annual visit to the Trenton Rotary Club on Thursday, Feb. 1, at the BTC Bank community room. Jackie Soptic presided over the meeting, Dan Wilford offered the prayer, and Daniel Gott served as the sergeant at arms.

Mrs. Soptic introduced Randy Steinman from Independence, who is a member of the Kansas City Plaza Rotary Club and is serving as District Governor for the 2023-24 year. He discussed the 2023-24 Rotary International theme, “Create Hope in the World,” and outlined the four areas of focus he has challenged District clubs to concentrate on physical health, mental health, economic health, and community health. He highlighted the significance of the Rotary International goal of polio eradication worldwide through the Rotary PolioPlus program.

Steinman noted that District 6040 established the PolioPlus Society, where members can pledge $100 per year to the foundation until the goal of polio eradication is achieved. In the district, 188 members have pledged, with Trenton boasting three members—Chris Hoffman, Phil Hoffman, and Don Purkapile. Additionally, the district has partnered with Team Fidelis to address veteran mental health needs. It is utilizing Global Grant funding to establish a loan program to assist impoverished women in Santo Domingo in starting their own businesses. The district is also working to establish a 501(c)(3) organization to enable donations to assist communities during times of disaster, which Steinman stated would “provide long-term support for our neighbors.” He encouraged the Trenton club to pursue projects in one of the four focus areas, “creating hope” in communities and the world.

During the business meeting, it was announced that the fifth Thursday meeting on Feb. 29 would be held at the regular meeting time, with more details to be announced later.

Elizabeth Gibson will present the program at the Feb. 8 meeting.

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