Rotary Club meeting spotlights Grundy County’s Farm Services Agency

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The Grundy County Farm Services Agency was the focus of the program presented at the Trenton Rotary Club meeting held on Thursday, September 12. The meeting took place in the BTC Bank community room, with Jackie Soptic presiding. Dan Wilford delivered the prayer, and Brian Upton served as the sergeant at arms.

Program Chairman Doug Tye introduced Curtis Crawford, the Executive Director of the Farm Services Agency (FSA). Crawford provided an overview of the agency and highlighted various programs available to farmers in Grundy County. His team, consisting of three program technicians, manages local programs, while a separate loan program with three additional staff members covers a five-county area, including Grundy County.

Crawford explained that the Conservation Reserve Program is the largest initiative administered by the Grundy County FSA office. Approximately 24,000 acres in the county are enrolled, with the program generating $3.7 million annually. A three-member board of county residents oversees FSA operations.

Crawford also addressed the status of the Farm Bill, noting that it has not yet been approved in Washington, D.C. The current bill is set to expire on October 1. He expects Congress to pass a stop-gap measure, allowing existing programs to continue while work on a new bill progresses.

In the business portion of the meeting, final preparations were made for the upcoming fish fry scheduled for September 14. Additionally, the Missouri Day Parade Committee will soon organize a meeting to begin planning this year’s parade.

The next Rotary Club meeting is set for September 19, featuring a presentation by Lynda Snuffer from the Salvation Army. Tom Witten and Doug Tye will serve as the program chairmen for September.

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