Ricky Kidd to speak at North Central Missouri College on April 25th

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Ricky Kidd, Founder of Resilience Mode and author, will speak on the North Central Missouri Main Campus in Trenton, MO, on April 25th at 2:30 p.m. in Cross Hall 208.

Rick Kidd Photo
Ricky Kidd

Ricky Kidd spent 23 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Ricky will share his experience with the justice system and how tapping into resilience allowed him to overcome adversity. He will share his story and discuss his work with the Missouri Innocence Project. This free event is open to all students and staff, and the public is welcome to attend. The event will also be streamed live on Piratesdigitalmedia.com.

Ricky was arrested with no physical evidence linking him to the crime for the shooting deaths of George Bryant and Oscar Bridges in Kansas City, MO. Despite having an alibi at the time of the crime, Ricky was convicted and sentenced, and it took 23 years in prison to prove his innocence. Ricky now shares his story to educate and inspire people about resilience in the face of their challenges. He has also advocated for the wrongfully convicted and trained prosecutors on how to avoid wrongful convictions. Ricky was recently elected to serve as a member of the Innocence Network Executive Board and selected to be on the Kansas City DA Community Advisory Board. 

To learn more about Ricky Kidd and his story, visit this link.

This event is hosted by the NCMC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. To learn more about diversity efforts at North Central Missouri College, visit the North Central Missouri College website. 


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