Rep Mazzie Christensen battles identity theft with new initiative

Mazzie Christensen (Photo via Mazzie for Missouri website)
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The office of Second District State Representative Mazzie Christensen of Bethany sent mailers about identity theft as she has received calls from individuals who have gotten scam calls.  She says the mailer lets individuals know what they can do if they receive a scam call and how to protect themselves.



Many scammers are placing calls regarding student loan forgiveness.



If a constituent did not receive a flyer in the mail, he or she may call Christensen’s office at 573-751-4285 to request one.

She comments that there are no bills in the state legislature at the moment that deal with identity theft. She feels that there should be, but she notes that scammers are usually from other countries and can seldom be prosecuted.



Constituents should not be afraid to hang up the phone and call a number they know is legitimate and ask questions before giving out any information. Christensen says she has heard many stories of individuals being scammed through email, too.

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