Public tax levy hearing dates announced during August in Spickard

Spickard, Missouri
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Public tax levy hearings have been announced in August on two different dates and locations in Spickard.

The town of Spickard holds a levy hearing on August 8th at 5:55 pm at the city hall. The proposed tax rate is just over 99 cents (.9917) on the 100 dollars of assessed valuation. The local levy is expected to produce more than $44,000 in revenue for the Spickard. The Board of Aldermen meets in a special session at 6 pm on August 8th to consider sewer rates.

One week later, on August 15th, the tax levy public hearing will be held for the Spickard Special Road District. The hearing will begin at 5:55 pm and is held at the fire station in Spickard.

The proposed tax rate for the Spickard Special Road District is 35 cents on the hundred dollars of assessed valuation.

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