Presentation on ways computers can assist farm operations to be held at conference in Osage Beach

Computers on the Farm
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The list of topics at the Computers on the Farm conference continues to grow as more farm users enroll. The annual get-together at the Lake of the Ozarks aims to help all users interested in on-farm applications, says University of Missouri Extension specialist Kent Shannon.

Registration is still open for the January 17 and 18th meetings at Margaritaville Lake Resort, 494 Tan Tar A Drive, Osage Beach.

The use of computers on farms is far beyond where it started, Shannon says. Back then bookkeeping and tax reports were high on the agenda. Those are still covered. Computers now guide many precision farming uses. Drones gather information in crop scouting and problem-solving. Computers on the desktop are being replaced by iPads in the pickup truck.

Trending ideas gain a start at the conference. New topics this year include spreadsheets for tracking hemp production.

“A big appeal of this meeting is the farm-user input,” Shannon says. “Farmers are innovators. And they share their ideas.”

Those attending are encouraged to bring their devices. The meeting is not all talk. It includes hands-on sessions. Program topics aim for beginners and advanced users. The whole family can benefit, Shannon says. Several topics will be demonstrated by FFA members, who come in groups from their schools. The event can be a weekend away from the farm.

Advance registration is required. Visit The registration fee covers meals and materials. Additional family members enroll at a reduced cost.

For help, contact Shannon at 573-445-9792 or

Call 800-826-8272 for resort room reservations. Discounted rates for conference attendees are available.

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