Preparations for 2023 Trenton High School Alumni weekend kick into high gear

THS Alumni Association
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Preparations for the 2023 Trenton High School Alumni weekend kick into high gear this weekend as alums are invited to assist in the annual mailing scheduled for Sunday, February 5th.

Class representatives from all classes are requested to support the effort where nearly 6,000 letters will be prepared for mailing to alums across the country. Any last-minute updates to addresses and name changes need to be submitted to John Holcomb as soon as possible by contacting him at 660-359-1838 or to him at his home at

In addition, classes who are hosting reunions need to bring along copies of their individual reunion plans for insertion into their class letters. A special request has been made for those including a class letter to contact Holcomb by Friday to separate letters for mailing.

“All hands on deck,” says Foundation Secretary Steve Maxey as this mailing meeting can only be achieved with lots and lots of volunteers.

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