Police and task force uncover alcohol sales to minors in Trenton

Alcohol Compliance Checks
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The Trenton Police Department and the Midland Empire Alcohol Task Force conducted alcohol retail outlet compliance checks in Trenton on Friday, May 24, 2024.

The police department reports that three local businesses sold alcoholic beverages to an underage person. Charges are pending, and no further information can be released at this time.

The task force provides the underage person with funds to make the purchase and covers police officers’ overtime for the investigations. The underage person attempted to buy alcoholic beverages from approximately sixteen retail establishments and bars in Trenton.

The police department and the task force have conducted compliance checks for the last several years to eliminate mistakes by employees and identify anyone selling alcoholic beverages to minors.

Businesses that wish to provide training for their employees can contact Agent Erich Hellerich of the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control at (816) 743-8745.

Authorities will continue to offer additional training opportunities for businesses and employees on legal requirements and compliance.

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