Plans for 2023 Trenton High School Alumni weekend continue

THS Alumni Association
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Preparations for the 2023 Trenton High School Alumni weekend continue to be made and all classes are reminded to submit any changes in classmates’ addresses or name changes before the annual mailing meeting next month.

February 5th is the annual mailing meeting where over 6,000 letters will be sent to alums across the country. Before the February meeting, updates are requested on both addresses and any name changes with those submitted to John Holcomb by January 15th. Classes that do not have current mailing lists are also asked to contact Holcomb at or 660-359-1838 for a copy of their class mailing list.

The annual mailing meeting will be held on Sunday, February 5th at 1:00 in the THS Commons, and at that time, all classes, not just those hosting reunions, are asked to be present to assist with the mailing. In addition, classes who are hosting reunions need to bring along copies of their individual reunion plans for insertion into their class letters. A special request has been made for those including a class letter to contact Holcomb in advance to separate letters for mailing.

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