Plans developing for 2021 Trenton High School Alumni Reunion

THS Alumni Class of 1975 Presentation
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“Plans for the 2021 Trenton High School Alumni Reunion Week-end are off and running,” said Alumni Association Secretary Steve Maxey following a planning meeting held on Sunday, November 8, 2020, in Trenton. “Despite the cancellation of many of the 2020 reunions, lots of graduating classes are planning to host reunions in 2021 to coincide with their annual celebrations or to make up for lost reunions canceled this past year.”

Dates of importance were set for the return of class mailing lists, preparations for the annual mailing, and deadlines for submitting articles for the “THS Alumni News. February 1st was set as the deadline for classes to share updated addresses with the Association in preparations for the massive annual mailing.

Classes that were not represented at the meeting on Sunday are asked to contact Dr. John Holcomb to receive a current list of class members and their addresses. He can be reached at 660-359-1838 or by email at

The Annual Mailing session was set for February 21st where classes are invited to join in preparing over 6,000 letters for distribution including one-page invitations of the respective reunions. April 1st is the deadline for responses to the mailing and announcement of special features to appear in the “Alumni News.”

Classes were reminded to begin making plans for the annual window decorating contest and other special activities were discussed and will be announced at a later date.

Representatives of the THS Class of 1975 presented a check in the amount of $500.00 to be applied to the THS Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Monies were raised from the recent class reunion and earmarked to support the scholarship fund that was reinstated this past spring.


THS Alumni Class of 1975 Presentation
Representatives of the THS Class of 1975 presented a check in the amount of $500.00 to be applied to the THS Alumni Association Scholarship Fund.

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