Phone scam targeting election and voters confirmed in two states

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Election Specialist Devon Stegeman with the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office reports officials in two states confirmed residents have received calls supposedly from the TurboVote offering to register residents over the phone.  In one state the caller offered the voter an absentee ballot.

Stegeman says this is not allowed, and the caller is collecting personally identifiable information if the resident does not agree to participate. He notes the Secretary of State’s Office has been informed TurboVote is not responsible for the phone calls and would not ever make calls like that.

Any residents who receive a call attempting to register them to vote over the phone should contact their respective county clerk’s office. They can also report it to the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office at 573-522-0306.

The information on the phone calls has been shared with the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center.

The last day for Missouri residents to register to vote for the November 6th Election is next Wednesday, October 10th.

Residents may register at their respective county clerk’s office.

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