Petition to put Grundy County Ambulance District measure on November ballot submitted to Grundy County Clerk

Ambulance petition submitted to Grundy County Clerk
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A petition was submitted to Grundy County Clerk Betty Spickard the morning of July 15th to put a measure on the November ballot for a vote that could form an ambulance district for Grundy County.

Ambulance Employee Jenny Hunter reports the petition included around 780 signatures. Spickard reports about 450 signatures were required. That number is based on 10% of the registered voters in Grundy County for the November 2020 General Election.

Spickard says her office has until August 30th to certify the signatures. This includes checking that everyone who signed is a registered voter in Grundy County and that signatures match.

If enough signatures are certified, the measure can be placed on the November ballot.

A legal description of the service area was also presented to the county clerk on July 15th.

Hunter expressed appreciation to citizens and voters who worked to get the petition signed. She also thanks everyone who signed the petition.

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