Pearl Harbor remembered at Trenton Rotary Club meeting

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The attack on Pearl Harbor was the topic of a program presented at the December 7 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club, held at the BTC Bank community room. Jackie Soptic presided at the meeting, Dan Wilford gave the prayer, Doug Tye was the sergeant at arms, and Scott Sharp was the program chairman.

John Anthony introduced Tom Mock, former news director at KTTN radio. Mock played a recording of an Open Line program from December 3, 1984, in which Trenton residents, the late Buck Richardson and the late John Hawkins, talked about the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Longtime Rotarian, the late Russell Joiner, was the moderator for the program. Richardson and Hawkins were stationed at Pearl Harbor with the U.S. Navy when the bombing occurred. Richardson was assigned to the USS Nevada, adjacent to the USS Arizona, while Hawkins served on the USS New Orleans. Richardson was assigned to the fire control division and then to the gunnery office, and Hawkins as a fireman/water tender. Richardson and Hawkins shared their experiences of the bombing and its aftermath, including where they were at the time the bombing started as well as what happened during and after the attack. During the broadcast, listeners called in with questions.

During the business meeting, the club approved the 2024-25 slate of officers and board members, who will begin their duties on July 1. They include Scott Sharp, president; Kassie Hodge, president-elect; Cole Soptic, treasurer; Elizabeth Gibson, secretary; Jackie Soptic, past president; Don Purkapile, Savannah Fogel, and Scott Sharp, one-year board members; Brian Upton, Ryan Tepen, and Doug Tye, two-year board members; and Elizabeth Gibson, Cole Soptic, and Megan Taul, three-year board members.

Missouri Day Parade Chairman Steve Taylor recognized the THS Mascots as this year’s winner of the Best Youth Entry, presenting sponsor Dave Burkeybile and mascots Jazmin Parrent, Alyxis Wood, and Precious Vick with a framed photo of their entry and a certificate. Final plans were made for the December 14 Christmas party, and the sign-up sheet was passed around for club members to work at Holiday Hoops on December 16. One vacancy for the club’s bellringing for the Salvation Army on December 22 was filled, with one vacancy remaining.

There will be no day meeting on Thursday, December 14, as the club will be holding its Christmas party that evening at The Space. The December 21 meeting will be held at noon at the BTC Bank with the program presented by Carly Beebe, the NCMC Dance Wave coach and owner of the Dance in Motion dance studio in Trenton.


Trenton Rotary December 7th story
The THS Mascots were recognized as winners of the Best Youth Entry in the 2023 Missouri Day Parade during the Dec. 7 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club, which sponsors the parade. Pictured are, from left, Parade Chairman Steve Taylor, mascots Jazzmin Parrent, Alyxis Wood and Precious Vick and sponsor Dave Burkeybile. Not pictured are mascots James Chamberlain and Carly Rupe.


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