Over 400 candidates file for Missouri’s primary election

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Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft greeted candidates as they gathered at the Kirkpatrick State Office Building for the opening day of candidate filing. The registration process remains open through March 26 at 5 p.m.

A total of 435 candidates filed for various offices to get their names on the ballot for the August 6 primary election.

“Thank you to all the candidates who filed yesterday,” said Ashcroft. “It was inspiring to see how many Missourians are willing to run for public office and serve the people of this great state.”

Of the 435 candidates who filed, the party affiliation broke down to 279 Republicans, 150 Democrats, and 6 Libertarians.

Candidates for U.S. and state offices, along with some judges, are required to file in person with the Secretary of State’s office at 600 W. Main St. in Jefferson City. Candidate filing will continue during regular office hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, until the March 26 deadline.

Those who filed on the first day drew a random number to determine ballot placement. Candidates filing after the first day are placed on the ballot in the order of their filing time. Exceptions for in-person filing are made for candidates who are active duty members of the armed services or unable to appear in person due to physical disabilities.

“It was a great day yesterday; a very successful day,” Ashcroft said. “The office staff arrived early and stayed late to accommodate all candidates in a timely, efficient manner. It was a job well done, and I commend all my staff for their efforts.”

A current list of filed candidates can be found on the Secretary of State’s website.

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