Missouri’s night sky to sparkle with Ursid meteors

Ursid Meteor Shower 2023 ONLY
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Stargazers in Missouri are in for a celestial treat as the Ursid meteor shower, active from December 17 to 26, is set to reach its peak on the night of December 22. Observers can expect to see the shower’s radiant point, located in the constellation Ursa Minor, throughout the night, as it remains above the horizon in this region.

The shower’s best displays are anticipated shortly before dawn, around 09:00 CST, when the radiant point culminates. At this time, Missouri’s alignment with the Earth’s rotation offers an optimal view, with meteors raining down vertically, creating short trails near the radiant point. While the number of meteors visible will be lower at other times, those appearing will likely be long-lived, traversing a wide area of the sky.

At its peak, the Ursid shower is expected to produce around 10 meteors per hour. However, this estimate, based on ideal viewing conditions, is likely to be lower in practice. From Missouri, with the radiant peaking at 51° above the horizon, up to 7 meteors per hour might be visible.

The Moon, nearing its full phase and situated in Aries, may cause some interference, but the shower’s beauty should remain largely unobstructed.

Meteor showers like the Ursids occur when Earth passes through debris streams left by comets and asteroids. The Ursids, specifically, originate from comet 8P/Tuttle. These annual celestial events are marked by Earth crossing these debris streams at certain points in its orbit.

For the best viewing experience, observers should look at a dark patch of sky about 30–40° away from the radiant. This position offers the highest likelihood of seeing meteors.


Ursa Minor Location in night sky



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