North Mercer R-3 Board of Education approves salary schedule that rewards years of service in the district

North Mercer School District Website V1
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The North Mercer R-3 Board of Education approved a salary schedule for February 13th. Superintendent Dan Owens says the new salary schedule rewards years of service at all levels for 30 years.

Pay will be $32,000 for first-year teachers with a bachelor’s degree. The salary for a first-year teacher with a bachelor’s degree plus eight graduate hours will be $32,600, a bachelor’s degree plus 16 graduate hours will be $33,200, and a bachelor’s degree with 24 graduate hours will be $33,800. A first-year teacher with a master’s degree will have a salary of $35,000.

Four hundred dollars will be added per year at the different levels for teachers with a bachelor’s degree. Five hundred dollars will be added each year for those with a master’s degree.

There will be $250 for each step after 30 years.

The board adopted a separation payment for employees leaving the North Mercer School District. The district has been giving $20 per day, but there will be three levels of qualification starting next school year.

A staff member with 10 years or less on the salary schedule will receive $25 for every day over 65 at the end of the year and $0 for unused leave days upon leaving the district. A staff member with 11 or more years on the salary schedule will receive $25 for every day over 65 at the end of each year and $50 for unused leave days upon leaving the district. A staff member will be paid substitute pay, which is currently $90, or $100, whichever is less, for each unused day upon retiring from the district up to a maximum of 65 days.

The board approved not having to make up the first six inclement weather or snow days, if needed, of the current year. That means there will be no school for North Mercer on February 20th.

A resignation was accepted from High School Secretary Krystle Lowrey. It will be effective at the end of the current school year.

The board set principal interviews for March 7th at 6 pm.

Current Principal Wade Hall was previously offered a two-year contract for superintendent, starting with the next school year. A retirement letter was previously accepted from the current Superintendent Dan Owens.

The regular board meetings were moved to March and April due to Spring and Easter breaks. The meetings will be on March 8th and April 12th.

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