North Mercer R-3 board approves school security camera policies

North Mercer School District Website V1
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The North Mercer R-3 Board of Education focused on school security during their September 9th meeting.

The board specifically discussed the audio capabilities of the school’s video surveillance system, expressing concerns that the audio should only be accessed when necessary. Superintendent Wade Hall assured the board that audio is only reviewed for specific incidents that require investigation.

In addition to security, the board emphasized the importance of having an American flag in every classroom, as well as a Missouri flag in the history classroom.

The board approved the use of all three bus routes for the current school year. Transportation Director Kerri Jincks is currently assessing the possibility of reducing the number of bus routes from three to two for the next school year.

During the meeting, the board also approved the 21st Century Grant contracts. Additionally, the board voted to grant online access to the district’s Farmers Bank account to Secretary Jennifer Wilson and Superintendent Hall.

Hall presented updates to the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), which includes new goals for the upcoming year. Three of these goals will be incorporated into Hall’s superintendent evaluation as performance metrics.

The board approved the hiring of Larissa Eivins as the dance coach for this school year, as well as David Nickell as the nighttime custodian.

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