North Central Missouri Mental Health Center Board of Directors to meet October 30, 2023

North Central Missouri Mental Health Center
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Clevenger and Associates will present the annual audit report to the North Central Missouri Mental Health Center Board of Directors next week.

The board will meet via Microsoft Teams on October 30 at 4:30 p.m. The meeting ID is 246 768 303 868, and the passcode is Xki5id.

Other items on the agenda include the 2022 federal return for a tax-exempt organization, a financial review of check registers and financial statements, and a quarterly review of fiscal year strategic goals and objectives. Additionally, there will be a staffing pattern review, the chief executive officer’s report, and confirmation of the annual board meeting.

A closed session is also on the agenda for the North Central Missouri Mental Health Center Board of Directors meeting on October 30 to discuss legal actions, real estate, and employees.

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