North Central Missouri College purchases properties in Savannah for future expansion

North Central Missouri College Website V2 (NCMC)
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North Central Missouri College has purchased property adjacent to the Savannah Campus at 107 and 105 US Highway 71. These properties include the current USDA building and a strip mall. NCMC has purchased these properties for consideration of future development. There are no immediate plans to vacate current renters or existing users from these spaces.

“As we are seeing growth at the Savannah Campus, we considered it a good investment to secure the adjacent property when we had the chance,” said President Dr. Lenny Klaver. “It is our hope to develop the property in the future for expansion of our Savannah Campus services, space, and academic offerings.”

For more information about the Savannah Campus and current academic offerings, visit this link or contact the Savannah Campus at 816-324-8001.

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