North Central Missouri College plans for new programs and campus enhancements

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Savannah Campus Director Sue Nichols spoke at the North Central Missouri College Board of Trustees meeting on October 24.

She reported the Savannah Campus has regular hours from Monday through Wednesday, from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tutors are available to help students, and a work-study student started this week.

Nichols mentioned that some classes had to be relocated to other rooms because they were too large for their original rooms. She believes the students have embraced the changes at the Savannah Campus. Campus visits have been ongoing, which can be scheduled online. A General Advising Day is set for October 26.  There is significant interest from the community, with student groups becoming increasingly involved. Expressing her gratitude, she shared her enthusiasm for being a part of Savannah and thanked the board for supporting the Savannah Campus.

Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tristan Londre, reported that the Faculty Senate approved three new programs last month. These include an Associate of Applied Science in Therapeutic Massage, a Commercial Power Equipment Skills certificate, and a Behavioral Health Support certificate. The program details have been forwarded to the state for the commencement of the external approval process.

Dr. Londre mentioned that a Missouri State Board of Nursing visit occurred on September 27 and 28. He was optimistic about the visit and mentioned that NCMC should receive an official report by March.

The NCMC Teacher Education Department received a $45,000 grant through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Develop an Educator Workforce that Expands Yearly (DEWEY) program. Dr. Londre explained that the grant would support various scholarships and a Teacher Education Recruiting Day activity.

Additionally, the NCMC Ag Department is set to host the State Professional Agricultural Student Organization contest from November 7 through 9. Activities will take place at the Main and Barton campuses.

Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Kristen Alley, highlighted that NCMC’s cohort default rate is currently zero, indicating no students in default on their loans.

She also mentioned that the next student enrollment begins on November 1, and residence life contracts for fall 2024 are now being submitted. Furthermore, a Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony is scheduled for October 26 at 6 p.m., celebrating the academic achievements of honor society members.

Dr. Alley discussed a recent Support Ducks program, where ducks with supportive messages were placed around campus. She also recounted the success of the recent Community Blood Center blood drive.

NCMC President, Dr. Lenny Klaver, reported a record headcount of 1,844 students, detailing the percentages of returning students, dual credit students, first-time freshmen, and transfer students. He also provided insights into the current demographic of full-time students.

The college reports that 510 students from 139 schools are utilizing the A+ Program, comprising approximately 28% of the college’s population.

Dr. Klaver also shared updates on the college’s publicity efforts, IT support initiatives, and library services, including the 24/7 Ask a Librarian program.

Reflecting on a meeting with Campaign Consultant Rich Gross, Dr. Klaver expressed satisfaction with the recent campaign’s progress and discussed future fundraising plans and potential projects.

He further provided updates on emergency preparedness and budget processes, sharing insights from recent conferences and emphasizing the importance of active trustee engagement and student-centered approaches.

Trustee Rob Maloney reflected positively on his experience at the ACCT Leadership Conference, noting the common challenges and unique strengths observed among different institutions.

On October 24, the North Central Missouri College Board of Trustees approved a new full-time assistant position at the Savannah Campus, recognizing the campus’s growth and increasing operational demands.

Chief of Staff Kristi Harris explained the decision to expand the part-time assistant role to full-time, ensuring adequate support for the campus’s daily activities.

The board accepted a bid to construct a temporary rock parking lot at the Savannah Campus, with work details outlined by Vice President of Business and Finance Tyson Otto. The project, funded by the NCMC Foundation, aims to accommodate about 50 vehicles.

Additionally, the board confirmed several staff appointments and declared certain nursing equipment as surplus, aligning with NCMC Board policy for disposal.

The meeting concluded with the board entering an executive session for real estate discussions.

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